Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Texture in Design Gives dramatic feel to surfaces

Texture is one element that defines the surface character of an object. To varying degrees, glass is different from stone, or bricks because of its surface tactile character.

Texture can be felt physically or perceived visually: An object could either be smooth, rough, hard or soft. The sense of touch can determine the character of a surface. Typically, wood is smooth as stone is rough and hard to the touch. In similar fashion cotton and most cloth is soft. Visually, surfaces can also have varying degrees of perceived textures. However, in all extent optically light and shadow delivers the coup de grace. Shadows are marked in really rough surfaces, while smooth surfaces are plain when subjected to light. The interplay of shades and shadows in a rough surface creates the telling dramatic effect visually.

The effect of texture in design: Texture is a provocative element in all designs. This pertains particularly to two-dimensional images. Whether in art or in architecture is the moving force behind a design. In renderings for instance, it makes the work so real and lifelike. It feels so natural a viewer it seems becomes part of a design scene. The message is relayed forcefully that viewers can relate emotionally. Images concerning bricks or stone look visually natural. Texture is so encompassing that a 2D design will appear as 3D images.

Texture promotes visual interests: It is a critical element in design, but should be handled appropriately to create harmony.

• Texture should not create distraction among the elements; On the contrary it must be applied to enhance the essential elements of the design. If texture becomes too overpowering it misses its only purpose. For example, textures must never be used extremely in backgrounds. Haphazard application can disorient the intended focus of the design.

• In random design application, texture could be the catalyst to create unity. Careful application of repetitive elements must be observed. Too much of the element can cause disarray. Or too little can defeat the purpose of the design.

• Try to avoid extreme repetition of elements in design. However, if it promotes visual interest in the imagery, capitalizing on texture creates a subtle effect. Texture will tone down the expected projection it creates to the entire imagery.

• In some cases, extreme use of texture can have a pulse-pounding effect. Blanketing the design with texture entirely when done intensely could give viewers a subtle effect. This is achieved by the use of gradients or fading texture. Apply solid or dark colors to the less important. And consciously fade the hue to the lightest ending on the most interesting or main focus of the imagery.

Remember, that texture is the culinary equivalent of icing on the cake. It makes or breaks the design. Visual imagery is all that matters.

Next time a design looks perfect, try to look deeply. Texture surely gave the dramatic feel of the imagery optically.

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