Friday, December 7, 2012

Space and Design

Design is a delusion rendered on a two dimensional plane. It projects objects to appear in its natural form. This is simply done by the mystical application of the illusion of space.

Three dimensional imagery: We exist in a three dimensional world. Everything around us, objects and structures have surfaces and depth. For designs to appear natural, Artists must mimic space and depth. Just how the illusion of space is achieved is dictated by the understanding of the elements of design. Mastery and application of the elements does not happen overnight. A lifetime may not even be enough.

The illusion of space or depth: Understanding or mastery of the design elements and principles allow anyone to achieve the illusion of space. It is a subject that is really hard to comprehend. Design is different from the perfect sciences that follow rigid static rules. Emotion and a critical eye govern design perfection. This could be done by: (1) variation in the size of objects: (2) one over the other: and (3) perspective.
•    Variation of sizes: Objects spaced one after the other in varying sizes allow the sense of depth. In the natural world, objects that are located far will always appear smaller compared to those just within reach.  A series of lamp post for instance arrayed vertically from the smallest to the biggest will deliver the sense of depth. Series of lamp post suggests great distances.
•    One over the other: When one object is placed partially over the other it creates space differential. Because in a way how can an object appear over the other without the spaces separating them.  Sizes no longer matter, the illusion of depth happens by the overlapping sequences. For instance when four buildings are projected to overlap one after the other, it gives the illusion of great space.  This is because we know consciously the depth of the structures.
•    Perspective: We seem to see that a long stretch of highway meets at a (common) point. This is vanishing point, our eyes allows the illusion to happen. All objects seems to have tie lines that congregate at a common point. However perspective can be shown using only one point, others employ two points to present a structure three-dimensionally detailed.
Anything presented in a design that does not correspond to the natural spatial projection is false representation. Everything must be done in accordance with the natural flow of the elements. Anything less makes the design irrelevant.

Remember that the relevance of a design is dictated by the right application of space considerations. And only those trained and experienced can truly make design masterpieces.

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